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macaranas angelo Tax Lawyer

Angelo "Gelo" S. Macaranas
Junior Associate

Gelo is a Junior Associate at Du-Baladad and Associates (BDB Law), where he leverages his background as an accountant-lawyer in the fields of taxation, litigation, and general corporate law.

At BDB Law, Gelo handles a broad range of responsibilities, including tax litigation, tax assessments, claims for refunds, local taxation, mergers and acquisitions, and requests for rulings with the Bureau of Internal Revenue and the Bureau of Local Government Finance. He also manages applications for tax treaty relief, special projects, and corporate services.

Gelo regularly represents clients before the Court of Tax Appeals and regular courts, as well as in dealings with the Bureau of Internal Revenue and various local government units.

He earned his Bachelor’s degree in Accountancy from the Philippine School of Business Administration – Manila in 2013 and his Juris Doctor degree from Far Eastern University - Makati in 2021. He was admitted to the Philippine Bar in 2022.

Outside of work, Gelo enjoys playing basketball, watching anime, and exploring different foods.

Areas of Practice
  • Tax Consulting and Advisory
  • Tax Litigation
  • Handling Tax Disputes, Protests, Claims for Refunds
  • Requests for Rulings
  • Tax Treaty Availment
  • Tax Litigation
  • Corporate Services
  • General Retainer
Sector Expertise
  • Oil and Gas
  • Power and Energy
  • Communications and Technology
  • Manufacturing
  • Banking, Insurance and other financial institutions
Professional Certifications
  • Certified Public Accountant
  • Lawyer
  • Bachelor of Laws, Far Eastern University - Makati (2021)
  • Bachelor of Science in Accountancy, Philippine School of Business Administration – Manila (2013)
Professional Qualifications and Memberships
  • Integrated Bar of the Philippines (IBP)
  • Philippines Institute of Certified Public Accountants (PICPA)
Contact Information

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Landline: +63 2 403-2001 loc. 313