Advisory on Tax Amnesty on Delinquencies
10 April 2020 |
Hits: 1086
Advisory on Extension of Due Dates
10 April 2020 |
Hits: 1046
BIR Revenue Memorandum Circular No. 41 2020
09 April 2020 |
Hits: 1273
BIR Revenue Regulation No. 09-2020
08 April 2020 |
Hits: 1260
BIR Revenue Memorandum Circular No. 36 2020
08 April 2020 |
Hits: 1121
BIR Revenue Memorandum Circular No. 37-2020
07 April 2020 |
Hits: 1153
Filing and Payment of VAT Due and Acceptance of VAT Refund Claims
07 April 2020 |
Hits: 1228
Tax Amnesty and Periods to File Protest and Other Filing Extensions
23 March 2020 |
Hits: 1479
BIR Issuances on Filing and Payment Extensions
20 March 2020 |
Hits: 1083
Filing of AITR extended to May 15, 2020
19 March 2020 |
Hits: 1149
BIR Suspends Field Operations- BIR OM 20-2020
19 March 2020 |
Hits: 1329
18 March 2020 |
Hits: 1721
Revenue Memorandum Circular No. 141-2019
14 January 2020 |
Hits: 2124
Revenue Memorandum Circular No. 143-2019
14 January 2020 |
Hits: 1320
Revised Processing of Input VAT Refund Claims - RMC No. 47-2019 (In Comparative Format)
11 September 2019 |
Hits: 1977
Membership Fees Paid to Non-Recreational Clubs are not subject to VAT and Income Tax
18 August 2019 |
Hits: 1207
27 June 2019 |
Hits: 1963
Draft Tax Amnesty Revenue Regulation
26 March 2019 |
Hits: 1287
Revenue Memorandum Circular (RMC) No. 30-2019 - The determination of whether the sale of shares of stock not listed or traded is at arm’s length is a question of fact which the taxpayer must prove
04 March 2019 |
Hits: 3216
Revenue Memorandum Circular (RMC) No. 3-2019 - 5% of the Total VAT Collections Shall Cover VAT Refund Claims
16 January 2019 |
Hits: 1904
Revenue Memorandum Circular (RMC) No. 96-2018 - Clarifies the Provisions to be Included in Revenue Memorandum Circular (RMC) No. 50-2018 for the Implementation of Republic Act (R.A.) No. 10963 or the TRAIN Law
28 November 2018 |
Hits: 2687
Revenue Regulations (RR) No. 21-2018 – Implementing Section 249 (lnterest) of the National Internal Revenue Code (NIRC) of 1997, as amended under Section 75 of the Republic Act (RA) No. 10963 or the Tax Reform for Acceleration and Inclusion (TRAIN Law)
17 September 2018 |
Hits: 3624
Revenue Memorandum Circular (RMC) No. 53-2018 – Extending the deadline for the processing of pending VAT refund/credit claims filed prior to the effectivity of RMC No. 54-2014
26 June 2018 |
Hits: 1655
Revenue Memorandum Circular (RMC) No. 54-2018 – Clarifying the imposition of penalties and interest on the filing of an amended return, and the imposition of compromise penalties under RMO No. 7-2015
26 June 2018 |
Hits: 2464
Revenue Memorandum Order (RMO) No. 08-2017 - Procedure for Claiming Tax Treaty for Dividend, Interest and Royalty Income of Nonresident Income Earners
04 April 2017 |
Hits: 1827
Revenue Regulations (RR) No. 1-2017 - Regulations governing applications for Value-Added Tax (VAT) credit/refund filed under Section 112 of the Tax Code, as amended, prior to RMC No. 54-2014
24 January 2017 |
Hits: 2058
Revenue Regulations (RR) No. 2-2002 - Tax Administration Treatment of Petroleum and Petroleum Products Imported into the Philippines Including those Coming in Through Freeport Zones and Economic Zones and Registration of All Storage Tanks, Facilities
23 January 2017 |
Hits: 1906
Revenue Memorandum Circular (RMC) No. 111-2016 - Issuance of Subpoena Duces Tecum and submission of reports of investigation/verification on tax cases/dockets
23 November 2016 |
Hits: 2330
Revenue Memorandum Circular (RMC) No. 85-2016 - Further Clarification on Issues Concerning Suspension Audit Pursuant to Revenue Memorandum Circular (RMC) No. 70-2016, As supplemented by RMC No. 75-2016
22 August 2016 |
Hits: 1598
Revenue Memorandum Circular (RMC) No. 84-2016 - Exempting all taxpayers applying for issuance of tax credit/refund based on writ of Execution issued by the Court of Tax Appeals and Supreme Court from the requirement of Certifications on Outstanding T
21 August 2016 |
Hits: 1764
Revenue Memorandum Order (RMO) No. 26-2016 - Handling Disputed Assessments
17 June 2016 |
Hits: 2935
Revenue Memorandum Order (RMO) No. 14-2016 – New Guidelines for Waivers
20 April 2016 |
Hits: 5406
RR 1-2016 - Amending certain provisions of RR No. 3-2005
22 February 2016 |
Hits: 1614
Revenue Memorandum Order (RMO) 4-2016 - A recommendation by a revenue officer for the denial of an application for compromise settlement, abatement, or cancellation is considered FINAL and the outstanding tax liabilities and/or penalties shall be imm
15 February 2016 |
Hits: 1796