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Tax Law Philippines

this covers all articles and advisories released by the firm regarding Tax Laws in the Philippines. 

Title Created Date
CREATE VAT on PEZA 20 April 2021
Create is the only choice! 11 January 2021
Tax Sparing: Requirements for Availment 29 December 2020
Tax highlights in 2020 and some year-end reminders 16 December 2020
Beyond Liberalizing Tax Incentives Under Bayanihan 2 24 November 2020
Retirement from Employment in Time of Covid 20 October 2020
Setting Up a Company’s Internal Compliance Program for Trading Strategic Goods under the Strategic Trade Management Act 29 September 2020
Gearing up for the Pre-Authorization Audits by DTI’s Strategic Trade Management Office 01 September 2020
DTI-STMO’s Authorization for Exporting Strategic Goods Begins 04 August 2020
Extension of Local Tax Deadlines 02 June 2020
Is Prescriptive Period For Tax Refund Claims Extendible? 05 May 2020
Suspension of BIR’s RIGHT to Assess Amid COVID-19 Pandemic 28 April 2020
Reminders for ITR filings during the ECQ 14 April 2020
ASSESSMENT UNPLUGGED: Solving the BIR Audit Conundrum (Part II) 07 April 2020
Nuances of Covid19 Deadline Extensions 24 March 2020
April 15 Tax Filing Deadline: Extendible? 17 March 2020
PEZA CITIRA VAT 03 March 2020
Reforming the real property valuation system in the Philippines 25 February 2020
Merger: Short Period Returns 18 February 2020
Update on Availment of TAD 11 February 2020